Saturday, July 20, 2024

Another Speed Bump

      Well, another speed bump in the form of another surgery.  I'm hoping this is the last one for a long, long time.  I'm still working on taking care of myself, learning and re-learning how to pace myself, and generally heal on many levels.

     Some days it feels like I'm having to crawl out of a deep hole, but I believe that everything I do to help myself will bring me closer to better health.

     One thing that I've discovered in this whole ordeal is the power of EFT, also known as tapping.  Do you know about it?  It operates on the notion that around 95% of our operating system is run by the subconscious.  So, if we want changes in our lives, we need to change the programming at that level.  

     So, if I want to change a pattern in my life that isn't helpful anymore, say, pushing past my energetic limits in order to get things done rather than pacing myself, I would tap on the statement, "Even though I feel I need to ignore my needs in order to get things done, I still deeply and completely accept/love myself."

     The actual tapping points are designed to access the subconscious through the meridian system, as shown in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  It's a genius way to change one's programming, remove old blocks, address traumas, and reprogram your way to a new life.  

     Want to learn more?  There are hundreds of videos on YouTube on tapping.  A good explanation video, from one of the leading EFT practitioners, is here.  Happy tapping!