Saturday, December 21, 2024
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Let's Create Peace
In this crazy-busy, pre-holiday season, let's make the intention to spread peace wherever we go. Let's put aside our phone addiction and really listen to people. Let's show kindness to the people we encounter, from the harried salesperson to the overburdened mom. Let's make our thoughts and actions work together to spread peace, so that the energies spread throughout humanity like ripples in a pond. It's up to all of us. Sow peace.
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Another Pithy Quote, Part 2
Here is a continuation of Ervin Laszlo's description of the individual who is part of creating a new and better world:
An individual endowed with planetary consciousness recognizes his or her role in the evolutionary process and acts responsibly in light of this perception. Each of us must start with himself or herself to evolve his or her consciousness to this planetary dimension, only then can we become responsible and effective agents of our society's change and transformation. Planetary consciousness is the knowing as well as the feeling of the vital interdependence and essential oneness of humankind and the conscious adoption of the ethics and the ethos that this entails. Its evolution is the new imperative of human survival on the planet.
We have work to do, and it starts with each of us.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Another Pithy Quote
Here is another quote from Ervin Laszlo:
In our world static stability is an illusion; the only permanence is in sustainable change and transformation. There is a constant need to guide the evolution of our societies so as to avoid breakdowns and progress toward a world where all people can live in peace, freedom, and dignity. Such guidance does not come from teachers and schools, not even from political and business leaders, though their commitment and role are important. Essentially and crucially, it comes from each person himself and herself.
Saturday, November 9, 2024
A Vlog Post I Had to Share
Here is a vlog post that I think really encapsulates how many of us are feeling, and what we can do from here on. Please listen carefully to these words of wisdom.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
What We Do Now
Light shines the brightest
When the night is at its darkest.
Be the light.
Saturday, November 2, 2024
A Quote for These Times
This comes from the Hungarian-born scientist and philosopher, Ervin Laszlo:
There is nothing more important in any group and in any society than having an informed and responsible leader. The quantum leader . . . is one who focuses on aligning, collaborating, and creating conditions conducive to the flourishing of life.
The leader effectively serving the good of society serves the interest of all life on the planet. This requirement may appear idealistic and even utopian in the context of today's dominant ideology in business and politics. But the post-pandemic era requires radical changes in our idea and ideals of leadership.
Something to ponder as some of us go to the polls to elect a new leader, no?
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Another Great Video for Empaths
If you watched last week's video, you heard Isabeau Maxwell mention her GCP method. What is that, you ask? It stands for Ground-Clear-Protect. If you want to learn more, here is a video in which she explains the method more fully. Enjoy!
Saturday, October 19, 2024
A Great Video for Empaths
I came across this video that is full of helpful advice for empaths who feel themselves overwhelmed, especially these days when emotions seem at a fever pitch. Please take the time to watch it if you are able. Enjoy!
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Some Words of Clarity Amidst All the Political Hype
I came across this quote and felt compelled to share it with you. Something to ponder while we are bombarded with political ads everywhere we go.
Appealing to tribe, appealing to fear, pitting one group against another, telling people that order and security will be restored if it weren't for those who don't look like us or don't sound like us or don't pray like we do, that's an old playbook. It's as old as time. And in a healthy democracy it doesn't work. Our antibodies kick in, and people of goodwill from across the political spectrum call out the bigots and the fearmongers, and work to compromise and get things done and promote the better angels of our nature. (Barack Obama, 44th US President)
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Another View on Twin Souls, Part 2
Did you have a chance to see Isabeau Maxwell's video on Twin Souls? What did you think?
I agree with her that often the concept of Twin Souls is misunderstood. Many people think that Twin Souls are two halves of a soul, incomplete without each other. That's where the abuse, manipulation, and pain that Isabeau warns against come from, I believe.
But I look at the idea of Twin Souls as two souls, two halves that have each become whole in themselves, who may eventually meet. Each person isn't incomplete without the other, but rather has evolved to a point where their masculine and feminine parts are balanced and complete.
It's like this: We aren't 50% of a soul trying to find our other half to be complete, but a complete and whole soul that, when reuniting with our other part, our Twin, becomes even more complete and whole.
The math is weird -- it's not 1/2 plus 1/2 equals a whole, but a whole plus a whole equals a unified whole. Does that make sense? If not, I nudge you to explore the concept further in The Gemini Bond (yes, that was a shameless plug).
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Another View on Twin Souls
Not too long ago I viewed a video on YouTube about Twin Souls. It was offered by a woman I greatly admire, Isabeau Maxwell, so I was interested to hear what she had to say on the topic. I'd like you to take a look and ponder it, if you would. Then I'll give my take on it next week. Enjoy!
Saturday, August 24, 2024
My Daily Prayer, Part 4
This is the final part of a series about what I pray for every morning. It focuses on the state of our world and the potential of human evolution. I pray for the removal of the veils of ignorance, greed, rankism, and isolation.
Why do I pray for the removal of isolation?
If we were to remove the idea that each of us is somehow isolated from everyone else, we would come to see the that we are all connected. We are a collective. What we do to others we do to ourselves. What goes around comes around.
And if we were to understand that, how would our species change? Less rudeness. More charity and kindness. No wars. No taking advantage of others, whether through deceptive advertising, unhealthy or unhelpful products, unfair wages, or treating others as "lesser than."
We would learn to act for the welfare of our children, grandchildren, and generations beyond. The kind of world we leave for them would be a paramount concern.
Perhaps I'm an idealist. But look around. Our world is teetering on a knife edge. We have to change, or we will cease to exist. Will you join me in this prayer?
Saturday, August 17, 2024
My Daily Prayer, Part 3
My daily prayer focuses on the state of the human species, and the removal of the veils of ignorance, greed, rankism, and isolation. Today, let's look at what I mean by "rankism."
To me, rankism is the idea that I, or my tribe, or my country, or my ethnic group, is better than others that do not belong. This view looks at life like it's a competition, a zero-sum game where there are only winners and losers. It's the Darwinian view of life, where only the fittest survive.
What would it look like if humans overcame this?
There would be no place for racism, for poverty and homelessness, for gross economic inequities, for arms races, or for war. Schools would receive more funding than armies. Political parties would learn to compromise and work toward the common good. People would be curious about and rejoice in the ethnic traditions of others.
People would be judged on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, to paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I'm sure there are many, many more wonderful things that would happen in a world without rankism. Will you join me in this prayer?
Saturday, August 10, 2024
My Daily Prayer, Part 2
As I was explaining last week, I have a daily prayer routine and I've been praying for the evolution and healing of the human species. I have four areas that I focus on, the removal of the veils of ignorance, greed, rankism, and isolation. Let's discuss the second area.
Greed. Whew, that's a big one. What would the removal of that look like? For starters, if we overcame greed, we would not see happiness as something that we can buy. We would use some of our money to help others. Food kitchens and homelessness could be eradicated. People would not be so driven to drive themselves to work so much in order to buy the latest thing and would learn to enjoy the moment more.
Workers would be paid living wages because corporations would not pay the upper echelons so much. Companies would focus on offering products that are safe and healthy, as opposed to being addictive or frivolous.
Oil companies would close because their leaders finally understand that the welfare of their grandchildren's planet is more important than the next quarter's company profits.
People would treat our Mother Earth with reverence, as opposed to an expendable resource that we can strip and trash at will.
I'm sure those are just a small sampling of what could be accomplished if we were to conquer greed. That's definitely something to pray for. Will you join me?
Saturday, August 3, 2024
My Daily Prayer
I have a morning routine in which I do my stretching exercises and then sit to meditate and pray. Right now, I'm focusing on the status of our world and praying for the healing and evolution of our species before it's too late.
I focus on four aspects of that healing. I pray for the removal of ignorance, greed, rankism, and isolation. Let me explain.
The first is ignorance. I believe that a lot of what humans do is based on the fact that they just don't know better, or are not informed of better ways to do and to be.
What would non-ignorant humans look like? They would be much more apt to look at things with a critical eye, not believe everything they hear or read (especially on social media), learn to act from the heart and head rather than their base emotions, and understand that their power to change things in this world is up to each one of us as opposed to some outside "savior."
Can you imagine what our species could do if they realized just how much power they each have?
That's something to pray for. Will you join me?
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Another Speed Bump
Well, another speed bump in the form of another surgery. I'm hoping this is the last one for a long, long time. I'm still working on taking care of myself, learning and re-learning how to pace myself, and generally heal on many levels.
Some days it feels like I'm having to crawl out of a deep hole, but I believe that everything I do to help myself will bring me closer to better health.
One thing that I've discovered in this whole ordeal is the power of EFT, also known as tapping. Do you know about it? It operates on the notion that around 95% of our operating system is run by the subconscious. So, if we want changes in our lives, we need to change the programming at that level.
So, if I want to change a pattern in my life that isn't helpful anymore, say, pushing past my energetic limits in order to get things done rather than pacing myself, I would tap on the statement, "Even though I feel I need to ignore my needs in order to get things done, I still deeply and completely accept/love myself."
The actual tapping points are designed to access the subconscious through the meridian system, as shown in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's a genius way to change one's programming, remove old blocks, address traumas, and reprogram your way to a new life.
Want to learn more? There are hundreds of videos on YouTube on tapping. A good explanation video, from one of the leading EFT practitioners, is here. Happy tapping!
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Speed Bumps
And I'm back. Life has put some speed bumps in my way -- two surgeries within three months -- and it's taking longer to recover than I expected. And so it is.
And how are you?
The energies in the world right now are, to me, sometimes difficult to navigate. It just feels like the world is on a giant vibration plate and all sorts of things are coming loose. I believe that this is for the purpose of getting rid of things that no longer serve humanity, but, boy, is it hard to live through.
Maybe my speed bumps serve the purpose of slowing down, taking care of myself, and not be so actively engaged in this world right now. If that seems wise to you, feel free to do the same.
Meanwhile, take good care of yourself and I'll try to do the same.
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Happy Equinox
The spring equinox is coming up on the 19th of this month. We celebrate the balance of light and dark, as well as the start of Spring.
I think it is a good time to check in with ourselves and see how balanced we are. Am I balancing my active masculine energies with the feminine energies of rest? Am I balancing the need to attend to the outer world with some time to focus on my inner self? If we are in a role of taking care of others, are we balancing that with taking time to take care ourselves?
I would encourage you to take some time on the equinox to check in on your life balance.
Saturday, February 17, 2024
What If . . .
I've explored the whole notion of Twin Souls for a long time, as you know, and lately have begun to think about how the idea might be a kind of steppingstone in our evolution as a species. Let me explain.
My mind has revolved around these questions: What if Twin Souls are a symbol of the balance of the masculine and feminine energies inside ourselves? What if that balance is required for the next step in our growth? What if the idea of the union of Twin Souls is a symbol of our unity with all of humankind? What if that idea of human Oneness is a necessary step to creating a new world, one of peace, justice, compassion, and truth?
You know the old axiom: As above, so below, and as within, so without. I am coming to believe that the Twin Soul concept points to a necessary inward balance as well as an awareness of our unity with all humanity. There is so much to ponder.
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Saturday, January 13, 2024
A New Year and New Beginnings
Now that the New Year's celebrations are over and we return to the rut of everyday living, I would like to challenge all of us to rethink the rut that we are in. What is keeping us there? Are there fears or unhealed issues which keep us from moving in a different direction? If so, it is well time that we address those things which hold us back.
I spent a lot of last year addressing old issues through shadow work. There are many ways of going about this, and I think it is a deeply personal thing, but it is something that is essential if we want to heal and move forward.
So, this year I'm focusing more on building what I do want. New habits, perhaps, or new ways of thinking about things, or new attitudes or new ventures. I don't know fully yet how that will manifest, but I'm working every day to creating a more positive future. I want to get out of that old rut! How about you?