A while back, I wrote how I tried to get through B. K. Frantzis' first book (Relaxing Into Your Being, The Water Method of Taoist Meditation Series, Volume 1) on the Taoist water method of meditation, and it took three attempts, some months and years apart. I was so proud of myself when I finally finished that book.
Well, there is a second book in that series, and I am proud to say that I finished that one, too. And I didn't have to stop and restart it three times! The book I speak of is The Great Stillness, the Water Method of Taoist Meditation. It starts where the first book ends, that is, the first book is considered preparatory, and this second book is for intermediate practitioners, along with hints about some advanced practices.
Some people, in their reviews, complained that the book seemed disorganized and meandering. To me, it felt like a one-on-one master's level course on Taoist meditation, with asides and forays into history or experiences that are relevant to the topic. Yes, it does take patience, but Taoist meditation is a practice for life, and there is not point in rushing through.
If this sort of meditation practice appeals to you, do yourself a favor and start with the first book first (Relaxing Into Your Being, The Water Method of Taoist Meditation Series, Volume 1) before going to this one. Otherwise, many of the practices and references won't make any sense. It is a book to treasure and refer to time and time again.
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