Saturday, December 8, 2018

'Tis the Season, Part 2

     How did last week go?  Did you manage to have at least a couple positive, kind thoughts every day?

     Well, good for you.

     Now, let's take a new focus for this week.  Let's keep the good thoughts going and add words.  Yes, let's work on saying kind, positive things for the next seven days.  Like last week, you can choose from the following list of ideas, or come up with some of your own.
  • Give a compliment to someone you don't know well, whether the cashier, the bus driver, or the driver in front of you (no sarcasm allowed).
  • Say "thank you" to at least five different people each day.
  • Tell someone about a positive trait you admire in them.
  • Tell yourself about a positive train you admire in yourself.
  • If you find yourself in a dialogue where discussing another person comes up, take the high road and say only positive things about that person.  Yes, even your boss.
     I'm sure you can find more ways to say kind or positive things.  Keep the change going!

(photo courtesy of

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