Saturday, January 28, 2017

Balancing the Male and Female Energies, Part 2

     Last week we discussed how our world is currently experiencing an overwhelming resurgence in the male-energy dominance.  We left with the question of what can be done about it.

     I'd like you to hold this thought:  From the one, the many.

     Who would have thought, fifty or sixty years ago, that we would ever see gays legally allowed to marry?  Back then, even European-Americans and African-Americans could not marry.  Yet, a few individuals held the thought that all should be treated equally under the law, and it has come to pass.

     Who would have thought, fifty or sixty years ago, that people of color would ever be treated as equals and be allowed to fulfill their potential, even becoming social and political leaders?  Yet, a few individuals held the thought that people of color could be treated equally, as it has come to pass.

     Who would have thought, fifty or sixty years ago, that women could take roles of leadership in businesses or countries?  Yet, a few individuals held the thought that women should be treated equally, and it has come to pass.

     These few individuals held those thoughts, and by allowing their lives to be led by those thoughts, changed the thoughts of many, many people. 

     From the one, the many. 

     Dear Reader, you are one of the ones.  The thoughts you hold, the thoughts that give your life direction, can and will change the world. 


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