Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Lovely Twin Soul Quote

"Love is but the discovery of ourselves in another, and the delight in the recognition." 

~ Alexander Smith 
(photo courtesy of

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I Am Thankful for You

I am thankful for all who have ventured here.
I am thankful for all who have read my book.
I am thankful for all who want to know more about Twin Souls.
I am thankful for you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Helpful Book for Empaths, Part 3

     While I highly recommend Rose Rosetree's book, Become The Most Important Person in the Room, which teaches the empath how to function healthfully, I need to talk about style.

     If you are the kind of person who likes to be poked in the ribs by your teacher until you crack a smile, and who likes clown noses on your newscasters, then you will love this book.  However, if you are from the "just the facts, ma'am" camp, well, consider this a lesson in tolerance.  I personally found the style a little off-putting at first, but since the content is so useful, I learned to overlook it. 

     If you are an empath struggling with picking up other people's stuff, do yourself a favor and order this book.  But in terms of the style, consider yourself forewarned.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Helpful Book for Empaths, Part 2

     The book, Become The Most Important Person in the Room, is organized as a 30-day plan to learn to function healthfully as an empath.  The author, Rose Rosetree, states that most empaths pick up stuff from other people (physical pain, emotional gunk, and so on) because they do not know how to do an empath merge safely.  For the first 27 days of the program, Rosetree teaches the struggling empath about how to stop doing these unskilled empath merges by focusing on different parts of oneself.  This way, you become the most important person in the room (an uncomfortable state for most empaths, at least in the beginning). 

     At first, I was skeptical.  After all, aren't empaths gifted for the purpose of helping others?  What about those empaths who can take in other people's stuff on purpose, then funnel that stuff into Mother Earth to be recycled?  Although I know people who can do this, I cannot at this point.  Rosetree's techniques help me to keep from doing the unskilled empath merges in the first place.

     I know, I know, we were all taught to protect ourselves with a thick layer of white light.  Rosetree stated, much to my relief because it confirms my own experience, that this doesn't work for most empaths.  One quick thought, one lingering look in some one's eyes, and WHAM -- we've done an unskilled empath merge.  With that, we've brought into our aura all sorts of stuff that really doesn't belong to us.  By the end of the day, we're wiped out, or we get sick because of all the extra issues we carry around that we really don't need to.

     Are you an empath?  Do yourself a favor and order this book.  In a month, you'll find yourself with a whole new way to life.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Helpful Book for Empaths

     While researching different coping techniques for empaths, I found a website that advertised a book that was supposed to provide helpful tips.  Of course, I ordered it.

     Thirty days later, I found a whole new way to function.  Not only did this book give me several ways to turn my gifts off, but it also gave me techniques to use my gifts safely.  That's huge!

     What is this book?  It's called Become the Most Important Person in the Room by Rose Rosetree.  You can view ordering information here.  Next week, I'll discuss some of the things I learned.