For the next several weeks I'm going to explore famous (or not-so-famous) Twin Souls throughout history. It's been a series that has been on my mind for a while, and this seems like a good time to begin.
This first one is easy: the subject is both famous and identified his own Twin Soul himself.
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), known as the "sleeping prophet," was a humble and quiet man who became famous because of his ability to tap into the higher realms while sleeping. People would ask him a question right before he went to a self-induced sleep, and he would answer their questions by channeling higher knowledge. He preferred to focus on healing others, but often people would ask him metaphysical questions, all of which is transcribed and catalogued at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) Center in Virginia Beach. You can check out their site here.
One of the questions that came up was that of Twin Souls. Cayce, in his trance state, told of a family in which the mother was the Twin Soul of the son, and that Twin Souls are not always romantic partners in life. Cayce then mentioned that his own Twin Soul was not his wife, Gertrude Cayce. He called her his soul mate. Rather, he said his Twin Soul was his last secretary, Gladys Davis. She was one of the major forces in transcribing and cataloguing his mountain of information.
The lesson here? Twin Souls are not always involved romantically, and they often have a mission in life to complete together.
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