Saturday, December 17, 2011


     No, this isn't an essay on scat singing, but an insight on the balance (or imbalance, in my case) of doing and being.

      During the winter months, our bed has two rather thick blankets on it.  It is a platform bed, and, dainty soul that I am, I have trouble tucking both blankets under the mattress. So, I usually ask my Significant Other (S.O.) to lift the mattress to tuck in the side parts of the blankets, and then I put the quilt over it.

     This morning I was doing my customary meditation, sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed.  I was only minutes into my centering exercise when S.O. decided that was a good time to tuck in the blankets so that I could finish making up the bed.  Why didn't I tell S.O. to come back after I was finished meditating?  Why didn't I continue my meditation after being interrupted?  All too often, I let my "doing" take precedence over "being."  My stress levels really show it, too.

     I guess my point is that I am developing a keener awareness of how much my external life overtakes my internal life.  And part of awareness is learning to think of ways to do things better.  Or, in this case, how to be better. 

     Joyous being to you this week.


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